izaN + josH = izaN, joSh & uS2

Friday, March 25, 2005


üS2 kissywissymyFunnyValentineupClose&PersonalSunsetHugsüS2
më june 2002 @ La-RissattaSmile to ShineuWantSumMista Man

Saturday, March 19, 2005

My Sunshine

The love you have given me clearly defines
You are my angel sent from above
No other love is as beautiful and pure as you have showered me
And you bring me joy as your loves shines on me
You bring new meaning to unconditional love
With every breath that you take

The sunshine that lights up in my time of darkness
And if I don’t say I love you enough today and tomorrow
Just know that with every breath that I take I have you to thank

You are my star, my moon and forever my sunshine