aNd theN it waS uS2
When We Met...
oNe seMi tRopiCal wEt deCembeR moRning... 2 soULs bUmped iNto eacH otHeR as tHey sHeepishLy stumMbled iNto a buNglow hoUse @ tHe eDge oF a sUburb wHicH is daMaNsaRa heiGhts... tHis straNge anD neW suRouNdiNg's waS 2 B tHeiR deStaNatioN eVery moRninG fRom tHis dAy foRth. 4 iT waS dAy 1 oN tHe aDventuRe oF tHeiR liVes! tHe yeaR wAs 95'...
uP, doWn, rouNd & rouNd.. loOk, leaRN, feeL & toUch... buSy witH tHis, waNtiNg 2 haVe tHat... 95' quiCkly roLLed iNto 96' aS 96' sWiftLy beCame 97' anD tWo soULs wHo weRe tHeN stRangeRs weRe noW beSt oF fRieNds... botH fiNdiNg tHeiR owN patHs iN tHe jouRney tHat iS liFe.
tripiN, faLLin, ruNNiN, skiPPiN... LauGhiNg, cRyiNg, scReamiN, sHoutiN... aLL oF wHicH sHapiN wHat iS tO B tHem... gRowiNg aS stRoNg iNdiViduaLs iNdepeNDeNtLy, yEt coLLectiveLy matuRing aS a gRoup. foR wHat waS 2 becaMe 3 anD fRom tHe 3 bRanched oUt tHe coLLective LoVe anD caRe tHat bOuNd aND cradled tHe oRigiNaL 3. haNce waS tHe biRth oF a moSt uNiQue soCiaL stRuctuRe... tHe uRBaN faMily.
a faMily nOt oF bLooD bUt oF cHoiCe... witH tHe tiReLess suRport oF tHis faMily uNit, tHe 2 sHeepisH sOuLs weRe aBle tO fiNd tHeir oWn foOtiNgs iN tHe dRamaS oF tHe 20th ceNtury...
aS maNkiNd maRkeD aNotHer 1000 yeaRs, tHe noW 2 boLD cHaracteRs oF tHe 21th ceNturY weRe buSy maNagiNG tHe huStLes oF tHeir sepeRate liFes, faitH sLippeD iN... deStiNy gRabed a hoLd oF tHe reigNs aNd gaVe iT a goOd yaNk.. fiNaLLy wHat deFined iNhibition waS tRueLy uNderstoOd & appReciated 4 iTs tRue woRth...
LoVe wiLL neveR B tHe saMe.........
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